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The Fair Housing Federation of Southern California is committed to ensuring that the spirit and letter of both California state and federal fair housing laws

are energetically  pursued in order to allow all who seek housing to have equal opportunity to rent, purchase, finance or insure the property they desire.


Fair and equal opportunity in housing has been the law of the land since 1968 when the United States Congress passed into law the Fair Housing Act.  Significant amendments were to follow in 1988.  


The phrase “ fair housing” suggests that you have the right to choose a place of residence without regard to who you are. In other words, it is illegal for a housing provider to mistreat you in any discriminatory manner whatsoever in the terms and conditions of your tenancy, and to deny you housing on account of any forbidden characteristics such as your disability (including being HIV/AIDS), religion, race, color, national origin, sex/gender, familial status, and marital status (California law only).

To be clear, discrimination isn't just unfair, it is also illegal. Research shows that the manifestations of discrimination include creating in its victims a sense of low self-esteem, anxiety and depressions.  Discrimination is destructive and humiliating.  

The Fair Housing Federation of Southern California makes a firm pledge to protect and provide necessary assistance to victims of housing discrimination.

We are here to be your advocate and investigate when you have experienced discrimination. We have a professional and competent staff with several decades of experience and who have handled all aspects of housing discrimination complaints.

If you believe that you have experienced housing discrimination, please immediately contact us.

The Fair Housing Federation of Southern California is a not-for profit California private housing advocacy organization dedicated to eradicating all forms of

discrimination, harassment, and retaliation in connection with the sale and rental of housing.  


For purposes of the fair housing laws, "housing" means and includes small or large apartment complexes, condominiums and townhouses  or single family houses. It does not matter whether your landlord is a private person, corporation or any branch of the government.


They are forbidden from discrimination.  Whether you are a Section 8, rent control or full market rate tenant in luxury housing, the fair housing laws protect you from unlawful discrimination.  


We work closely with municipal, state and federal agencies, as well as attorneys in private practice who are able and ready to serve you and assist us in accomplishing our mission of equal housing. The counseling and investigative work we provide to you is confidential and free.

​​Call us:

(888) 215-FAIR

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